Lista de verbos irregulares en inglés con traducción. Listado de verbos irregulares en inglés y en español. Lista verbos irregulares en inglés.
Lista de verbos irregulares en inglés con traducción
Abide | Abode/Abided | Abode/Abided/Abidden | To continue/To reside\live | Permanezca |
Aby/Abey | Abought | Abought | To make amends for something wrong | Comprar |
Alight | Alit/Alighted | Alit/Alighted | To get off a bus, train, etc./ To originate | Posarse |
Arise | Arose | Arisen | To get up from horizontal position, out of bed | Surgir |
Awake | Awoke | Awoken | To stop sleeping and become conscious | Despertar |
Backbite | Backbit | Backbitten | To speak badly about someone | Murmurar |
Backfit | Backfit | Backfit | weren't available when the machine was made | Reequipamiento |
Backlight | Backlit | Backlit | To illuminate from behind (photography) | Iluminar desde el fondo |
Backslide | Backslid | Backslid/Backslidden | To stop making progress and start regressing | Reincidir |
Be | Was/Were | Been | To have as a quality or a state/An auxiliary verb | Ser |
Bear | Bore | Born/Borne | To tolerate/To give birth to | Llevar |
Beat | Beat | Beaten | To hit repeatedly | Derrotar |
Become | Became | Become | To come into existence | Convertirse en |
Bedight | Bedight/Bedighted | Bedight/Bedighted | To adorn, decorate | Anochecer |
Befall | Befell | Befallen | To happen/To happen to somebody or something | Acontecer |
Beget | Begot/Begat | Begotten | To cause something to happen | Engendrar |
Begin | Began | Begun | To start something | Empezar |
Begird | Begirt/Begirded | Begirt | To encircle | Ceñir |
Behight | Behight | Behight/Behoten | To promise or vow | Enaltecer |
Behold | Beheld | Beheld | To become conscious of by seeing | Mirad |
Belay | Belaid/Belayed | Belaid/Belayed | To secure a boat with a rope | Amarrar |
Bereave | Bereft | Bereft/Bereaved | To lose a relative through their death | Privar |
Beseech | Besought/Beseeched | Besought/Beseeched | To ask someone very insistently to do something | Implorar |
Beset | Beset | Beset | To be restricted and occupied by difficulties | Acosar |
Bespeak | Bespoke | Bespoken | To set aside or reserve something/To ask for | Encargar |
Bestrew | Bestrewed | Bestrewed/Bestrewn | To cover a surface by throwing things about randomly | Sembrar |
Bestride | Bestrode | Bestridden | To sit or stand with one leg on either side of something | Cabalgar |
Bet | Bet | Bet | To risk money against the result of a future event | Apuesta |
Betake | Betook | Betaken | To go to a place | Dirigirse |
Bethink | Bethought | Bethought | To think about something/To remind yourself | Recordar |
Beweep | Bewept | Bewept | To cry for or over someone or something | Beweep |
Bid | Bid | Bid | To make an offer of money or services | Licitación |
Bid | Bade | Bidden | To command or urge someone to do something/To wait for | Licitación |
Bide | Bided/Bode | Bided | To tolerate/ To withstand | Permanecer |
Bind | Bound | Bound | To tie something with string, or similar, to hold it | Unir |
Bite | Bit | Bitten | To cut or hold with teeth | Morder |
Blaw | Blawed | Blawn | To blow | golpe |
Bleed | Bled | Bled | To lose blood through a cut in the skin | Sangrar |
Blend | Blended/Blent | Blended/Blent | To mix together | Mezclar |
Bless | Blessed/Blest | Blessed/Blest | To wish or confer happiness/ To make holy | Bendecir |
Blow | Blew | Blown | To move air, wind and gases | Explotar |
Bottle-feed | Bottle-fed | Bottle-fed | To feed a baby with a bottle | Biberón |
Bowstring | Bowstrung/Bowstringe | Bowstrung | To strangle with the string from a bow | Cuerda del arco |
Break | Broke | Broken | To cause something to separate into at least two pieces | Romper |
Breast-feed | Breast-fed | Breast-fed | To feed a baby with breast milk | Amamantar |
Breed | Bred | Bred | To produce animals or plants by controlling their reproduction | Raza |
Bring | Brought | Brought | To carry or convey something to the place where you are going | Traer |
Broadcast | Broadcast/Broadcasted Broadcast/Broadcasted | To transmit radio or TV signals | Transmisión | |
Browbeat | Browbeat | Browbeat/Browbeaten | To put pressure on someone or bully them to do something | Atemorizar |
Build | Built | Built | To construct | Construir |
Burn | Burnt/Burned | Burnt/Burned | To consume or be consumed by fire | Quemar |
Burst | Burst | Burst | Pressure, such as a balloon with too much air in it | Ráfaga |
Bust | Bust | Bust | To break | Busto |
Buy | Bought | Bought | To acquire something in exchange for money | Comprar |
Cast | Cast | Cast | To throw or project something/ To receive | Emitir |
Catch | Caught | Caught | To stop and hold a moving object, usually with your hands | Captura |
Cheerlead | Cheerled | Cheerled | To cheer and support a team in an organised group | Animadora |
Chide | Chid | Chid/Chidden | To tell somebody off when they have done something wrong | Reprendo |
Choose | Chose | Chosen | To select/ To hit your hands together to make a sound | Elegir |
Clap | Clapped/Clapt | Clapped/Clapt | To show approval/ To make a loud noise, like thunder | Aplaudir |
Clear-cut | Clear-cut | Clear-cut | To cut down all trees in an area/ To separate or divide something often with | Claro |
Cleave | Cleft/Cleaved/Clove | Cleft/Cleaved/Cloven | Split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain | Adherirse |
Cleek | Claught/Claucht/Cleek | Cleeked | To grasp or take hold of | Cleek |
Clepe | Cleped | Cleped/Ycleped/Yclept | To call or name | Clepé |
Cling | Clung | Clung | To hold on to or to stick to | Adherirse |
Clothe | Clad/Clothed | Clad/Clothed | To dress someone or provide them with clothes | Vestir |
Colorbreed | Colorbred | Colorbred | To breed an animal to be of a particular color | raza de color |
Colorcast | Colorcast | Colorcast | To broadcast in color | Raza |
Come | Came | Come | To move towards or to arrive at a specified place, time or situation | Venir |
Cost | Cost | Cost | The amount of money required to buy something; it costs five dollars. | Costo |
Cost-cut | Cost-cut | Cost-cut | To redcuce costs or expenditure | Reducción de costo |
Counterdraw | Counterdrew | Counterdrawn | To copy by tracing | Contragiro |
Counterlight | Counterlit | Counterlit | To light something directly from opposite sides | Contraluz |
Cowrite | Cowrote | Cowritten | To write with someone | Coescribir |
Crash-dive | Crash-dived/Crash-dove | Crash-dived | To go down very quickly | Zambullida |
Creep | Crept | Crept | To move along the ground lying down | Arrastrarse |
Creep-feed | Creep-fed | Creep-fed | To feed young animals in a special area that adult animals can't get in | Alimentación lenta |
Crib-bite | Crib-bit | Crib-bitten | To bite its manger and swallow air (of a horse) | Mordedura de cuna |
Cross-bite | Cross-bit | Cross-bitten | To thwart or stop something happening by deception | Mordida cruzada |
Cross-string | Cross-strung | Cross-strung | To place bass strings on a piano across the treble strings | Cuerda cruzada |
Crossbreed | Crossbred | Crossbred | Species, like a mule, which is a crossbreed of a donkey and a horse | Híbrido |
Crosscut | Crosscut | Crosscut | To move between scenes or stories in a film or narrative | Corte transversal |
Crosslight | Crosslit | Crosslit | To illuminate from different sides, but not directly opposite | Cruceta |
Crow | Crowed/Crew | Crowed | To boast/ To utter a sound indicating pleasure | Cuervo |
Cut | Cut | Cut | To break the surface of something with a knife or similar tool | Corte |
Dare | Dared/Durst | Dared | To have sufficient courage | Atrevimiento |
Daydream | Daydreamt/Daydream | Daydreamt/Daydreamt | To have dream-like thoughts when a wake/ To have a fantasy | Ensueño |
Deal | Dealt | Dealt | To distribute, especially playing cards in games | Acuerdo |
Deep-freeze | Deep-froze | Deep-frozen | To freeze or store frozen/To suspend progress or activity | Congelar |
Dig | Dug | Dug | To make a hole in the ground | Excavar |
Dight | Dight/Dighted | Dight/Dighted | To dictate orders | Noche |
Dispread | Dispread | Dispread | To spread out | Difundir |
Disprove | Disproved | Disproven/Disproved | To prove that something is fale or wrong | Refutar |
Dive | Dived/Dove | Dived | To jump head first into water/ To fall quickly | Bucear |
Do | Did | Done | To perform or carry out | Hacer |
Dogfight | Dogfought | Dogfought | To fight in aeroplanes/ To arrange a fight between dogs for sport | Pelea de perros |
Dow | Dought/Dowed | Dought/Dowed | To have the ability to do something/To do well | Dow |
Draw | Drew | Drawn | To make a picture using a pen or pencil | Dibujar |
Dream | Dreamt/Dreamed | Dreamt/Dreamed | To see visual images while sleeping | Sueño |
Drink | Drank | Drunk | To consume liquids | Beber |
Drip-feed | Drip-fed | Drip-fed | To feed someone with fluids going into the vein | Goteo |
Drive | Drove | Driven | To operate and control a car or other vehicle | Conducir |
Dwell | Dwelt | Dwelt | To reside or live somewhere | Residir |
Eat | Ate | Eaten | To consume solid food | Comer |
End-run | End-ran | End-run | To avoid doing something by cheating or deceit | Ejecución final |
Engird | Engirt | Engirt | To encircle, encompass | Ceñir |
Engrave | Engraved | Engraved/Engraven | To carve letters or a pattern into the surface of something | Grabar |
Enwind | Enwound | Enwound | To make into a coil | Envienta |
Fall | Fell | Fallen | To move downwards or to the ground | Caer |
Farebeat | Farebeat | Farebeaten | To avoid paying fares when using public transport | Haría |
Fast-cut | Fast-cut | Fast-cut | To cut quickly from one scene to another in a film | Corte rápido |
Feed | Fed | Fed | To give or supply food | Alimento |
Feel | Felt | Felt | To sense by touch/ To experience an emotion, or sensation | Sentir |
Fight | Fought | Fought | To try to hurt or kill someone in combat or war | Lucha |
Find | Found | Found | To discover something either by chance or when looking for it | Encontrar |
Fit | Fit/Fitted | Fit/Fitted | To fit something/ To measure someone for size (fit fit/fitted/ | Adaptar/Encajar |
Flash-freeze | Flash-froze | Flash-frozen | To freeze food very rapidly to preserve taste and nutrients | Congelación instantánea |
Flee | Fled | Fled | To run away in order to find safety | Huir |
Fling | Flung | Flung | To throw or move something suddenly | Arrojar |
Floodlight | Floodlit | Floodlit | To use powerful lights to illuminate something outside at night | Luz de inundación |
Fly | Flew | Flown | To move through the air/ To travel by aeroplane | Volar |
Flyblow | Flyblew | Flyblown | To contaminate by laying eggs, the way a fly does | Mosca voladora |
Forbear | Forbore | Forborne/Forborn | Not to use or talk about something | Abstenerse |
Forbid | Forbade/Forbad | Forbidden | To prohibit | Prohibir |
Force-feed | Force-fed | Force-fed | To feed someone who refuses or doesn't want to eat | Alimentación forzada |
Fordo/Foredo | Fordid | Fordone | To ruin or destroy | fordo/foredo |
Forecast | Forecast/Forecasted | Forecast/Forecasted | To predict the future | Pronóstico |
Forefeel | Forefelt | Forefelt | To have a feeling before something happens/ To have a premonition | sentir |
Forego | Forewent | Foregone | To preceed something/ To go without something | Adelantar |
Foreknow | Foreknew | Foreknown | To know something beforehand | Prever |
Forerun | Foreran | Forerun | To go before something/ To show that something is going to happen | Precursor |
Foresee | Foresaw | Foreseen | To predict or see the future/ To show something or make it known | Prever |
Foreshow | Foreshowed | Forshowed/Foreshown | Beforehand/ To foretell | Previo |
Forespeak | Forespoke | Forespoken | To predict/ To speak of something beforehand | Predicción |
Foretell | Foretold | Foretold | To predict the future | Predecir |
Forget | Forgot | Forgotten | To be unable to remember something | Olvidar |
Forgive | Forgave | Forgiven | To pardon or stop being angry with someone who has offended you | Perdonar |
Forsake | Forsook | Forsaken | To give something up/ To abandon | Forlese |
Forswear | Forswore | Forsworn | To make a false promise or oath | Renunciar |
Fraught | Fraught/Fraughted | Fraught/Fraughted | To load a ship, etc | Tenso |
Free-fall | Free-fell | Free-fallen parachute | To fall through the air without opening a parachute | Caida libre |
Freeze | Froze | Frozen | To store food below zero degrees centigrade temperatures | Congelar |
Frostbite | Frostbit | Frostbitten | To injure or damage part of the body through extreme cold | Congelación |
Gainsay | Gainsaid | Gainsaid | To contradict or deny | Contradecir |
Geld | Gelded/Gelt | Gelded/Gelt | To castrate an animal | Castrar |
Get | Got | Got/Gotten | To obtain, catch or receive | Obtener |
Ghostwrite | Ghostwrote | Ghostwritten | To write for someone else, who will put their name as the author | Escritura fantasma |
Gild | Gilt/Gilded | Gilt/Gilded | To cover something with a thin layer of gold | Dorar |
Gin | Gan | Gan | To begin something | Ginebra |
Gird | Girded/Girt | Girded/Girt | To secure or encirle something with a belt or bend | Ceñir |
Give | Gave | Given | To offer something as a present/ To bite or chew | Dar |
Gnaw | Gnawed | Gnawed/Gnawn | To cause worry | Roer |
Go | Went | Gone/Been | To travel to a place/ To dig | Vamos |
Grave | Graved | Graven/Graved | To carve/ To fix in the memory | Tumba |
Grind | Ground | Ground | To break something into a powder | Moler |
Grow | Grew | Grown | To increase in size | Crecer |
Hagride | Hagrode | Hagridden | To torment or cause nightmares | Hagride |
Halterbreak | Halterbroke | Halterbroken | To break a horse in, to get it used to wearing a halter | cabestro |
Hamstring | Hamstrung/Hamstring | Hamstrung/Hamstringed | To make things difficult for someone doing something | Tendón de la corva |
Hand-feed | Hand-fed | Hand-fed | To give food by hand | Alimentar a mano |
Hand-ride | Hand-rode | Hand-ridden | To control an animal by hand | Paseo a mano |
Handsew | Handsewed | Handsewn/Handsewed | To sew by hand | Coser a mano |
Handwrite | Handwrote | Handwritten | To write with a pen or pencil rather than a word processor | Escribir a mano |
Hang | Hung/Hanged | Hung/Hanged | To suspend from a support/ To execute someone by supending them by the neck | Colgar |
Have | Had | Had | To do/ An auxiliary verb | Tener |
Hear | Heard | Heard | To detect or perceive sound | Oír |
Heave | Heaved/Hove | Heaved/Hove | To lift something heavy/ To throw something heavy | Tirón |
Hew | Hewed | Hewn | To cut things into pieces | Él w/ Labrar |
Hide | Hid | Hidden | To conceal or put something where it cannot be seen/ To name | Ocultar |
Hight | Hote/Hight | Hoten | To promise/ To command | Altura |
Hit | Hit | Hit | To touch somebody or something with force | Pegar |
Hoise | Hoised/Hoist | Hoised/Hoist | To hoist or lift | Manguera |
Hoist | Hoist/Hoisted | Hoist/Hoisted | To raise or lift using ropes, etc | Izar |
Hold | Held | Held | To secure something in your hand/ To contain | Mantener |
House-sit | House-sat | House-sat | To stay in someone's house to look after it while they are away | Cuidar la casa |
Housebreak | Housebroke | Housebroken | To train an animal to live in a house | adiestramiento |
Hurt | Hurt | Hurt | To cause pain, injury or stress/ To experience pain, injury or stress | Herir |
Inbreed | Inbred | Inbred | To produce babies with health problems by sexual relations between close relatives | Endogamia |
Indwell | Indwelt | Indwelt | To inhabit/ To exist as a guiding principle | Habitar |
Inhold | Inheld | Inheld | To have as an inherent characteristic | En la bodega |
Inlay | Inlaid | Inlaid | To put a different material inside another for decoration, with a flat surface | Embutido |
Input | Input/Inputted | Input/Inputted | To enter data into a computer | Aporte |
Inset | Inset | Inset | To put a picture or graphic inside a lerger one | Recuadro |
Interblend | Interblended/Interblen | Interblended/Interblent | To blend things together | Mezcla |
Interbreed | Interbred | Interbred | To mix species or groups sexually | Cruzarse |
Intercut | Intercut | Intercut | To move between different scenes or stories in a film or narrative | Intercalado |
Intergrave | Intergraved | Intergraved/Intergraven | To carve or engrave in alternate sections | intergrave |
Interlay | Interlaid | Interlaid | To place among or between things | Entrelazado |
Interset | Interset | Interset | To set among or between things | Interset |
Interweave | Interwove | Interwoven | To join or mix together | Entrelazar |
Interwind | Interwound | Interwound | To wind together or intertwine | Enrollar junto |
Inweave | Inwove/Inweaved | Inwoven/Inweaved | To weave things together | Entretejer |
Inwind | Inwound | Inwound | To wrap or coil around | En el viento |
Jerry-build | Jerry-built | Jerry-built | To build something cheaply and badly | Jerry-construir |
Keep | Kept | Kept | To make somebody or something stay in a particular place | Mantener |
Ken | Kent/Kenned | Kent/Kenned | To know | Conocido |
Kneel | Knelt/Kneeled | Knelt/Kneeled | To support yourself on your knees | Arrodillarse |
Knit | Knit/Knitted | Knit/Knitted | To make clothes such as pullovers out of wool | Tejer |
Know | Knew | Known | To be acquainted with/ To have correctly in your memory | Saber |
Lade | Laded | Laden/Laded | To load (put goods onto) a ship | Cargar |
Landslide | Landslid/Landslided | Landslid/Landslided | To win a convincing and easy victory in an election | Deslizamiento de tierra |
Lay | Laid | Laid | To put something in a horizontal position | Poner |
Lead | Led | Led | To take someone somewhere or guide them/ To be in command | Guiar |
Lean | Leant/Leaned | Leant/Leaned | To place something at an incline for support against something | Inclinarse |
Leap | Leapt/Leaped | Leapt/Leaped | To jump | Salto |
Learn | Learnt/Learned | Learnt/Learned | To acquire knowledge | Aprender |
Leave | Left | Left | To go out of a place | Abandonar |
Lend | Lent | Lent | To give somebody money that must be returned | Prestar |
Lep | Lept | Lept | To leap | Hermoso |
Let | Let | Let | To allow something to happen/ To allow someone to do something | Dejar |
Lie | Lay | Lain | To get into or be in a horizontal position | Mentir |
Light | Lit | Lit | To make something burn | Luz |
Linebreed | Linebred | Linebred | Breed animals from a particular family | línea |
Lip-Read | Lip-Read | Lip-Read | To work out what someone is saying from the movements of their mouth | Lectura de labios |
Lose | Lost | Lost | Not to have something because you do not know where it is | Perder |
Make | Made | Made | To cause somebody to do something/ To create or construct something | Hacer |
Mean | Meant | Meant | To signify/ To intend | Significar |
Meet | Met | Met | To make somebody's acquaintance/ To be in the same place as somebody | Reunir |
Melt | Melted | Molten/Melted | To change from solid into a liquid as the temperature goes up | Derretir |
Misbecome | Misbecame | Misbecome | Not to suit | No convenir |
Miscast | Miscast | Miscast | To choose the wrong actor for a role | Miscast |
Mischoose | Mischose | Mischosen | To choose wrongly | Elegir mal |
Miscut | Miscut | Miscut | To cut something wrongly or badly | Mal cortado |
Misdeal | Misdealt | Misdealt | To distribute playing cards wrongly in a game | Reparto erróneo |
Misdo | Misdid | Misdone | To harm or injure | Equivocarse |
Misfall | Misfell | Misfallen | To happen unluckily/ To feed incorrectly | Error |
Misfeed | Misfed | Misfed | To jam printers, photocpiers, etc, by feeding the paper incorrectly | Atasco |
Misgive | Misgave | Misgiven | To become suspicious or worried | Hacer recelar |
Mishear | Misheard | Misheard | To hear something incorrectly | Oír mal |
Mishit | Mishit | Mishit | To hit a ball badly or inaccurately | Golpe defectuoso |
Misknow | Misknew | Misknown | To have the wrong idea about something | Desconocer |
Mislay | Mislaid | Mislaid | To lose or put something where you cannot find it | Perder |
Mislead | Misled | Misled | To make someone behave wrongly/ To deceive | Engañar |
Mislearn | Mislearnt/Mislearned | Mislearnt/Mislearned | To learn wrongly | Aprender mal |
Misread | Misread | Misread | To read something incorrectly | Leer mal |
Missay | Missaid | Missaid | To say something incorrectly/ To talk badly about someone | Error |
Missend | Missent | Missent | To send to the wrong place or person | Error |
Misset | Misset | Misset | To set or place wrongly or incorrectly/ To say or pronounce something wrongly | Misset |
Misspeak | Misspoke | Misspoken | To say something that is incorrect or inaccurate | Hablar mal |
Misspell | Misspelt/Misspelled | Misspelt/Misspelled | To write a word without using the correct letters | Escribir mal |
Misspend | Misspent | Misspent | To waste time or money | Malgastar |
Misswear | Misswore | Missworn | To swear or make an oath falsely | Desgaste |
Mistake | Mistook | Mistaken | Not to understand/ To confuse somebody with someone else | Error |
Misteach | Mistaught | Mistaught | To teach wrongly or incorrectly | Enseñar mal |
Mistell | Mistold | Mistold | To tell something wrongly | Maldecir |
Misthink | Misthought | Misthought | To have mistaken thoughts or ideas | Pensar mal |
Misunderstand Misunderstood | Misunderstood | Not to understand | Entender mal Incomprendido | |
Miswear | Misswore | Misworn | To wear badly | Desgaste |
Miswed | Miswed/Miswedded | Miswed/Miswedded | To marry wrongly | Equivocado |
Miswrite | Miswrote | Miswritten | To write something incorrectly | Escribir mal |
Mow | Mowed | Mown | To cut grass or cereals | Cortar |
Naysay | Naysaid | Naysaid | To oppose or criticise | Oponerse |
Offset | Offset | Offset | To compensate or counterbalance | Compensar |
Outbid | Outbid | Outbid | To offer more money than someone in an auction or sale | Exocrianza |
Outbreed | Outbred | Outbred | To breed faster than others | Exceder |
Outdo | Outdid | Outdone | To do better than someone | Superar |
Outdraw | Outdraw | Outdrawn | To pull out/ To pull a gun faster than an opponent | Retirar/ Desembolsar |
Outdrink | Outdrank | Outdrunk | To drink more than someone else, usually alcohol | Beber mas |
Outdrive | Outdrove | Outdriven | To drive faster or better | Sobresalir |
Outfight | Outfought | Outfought | To fight better than someone | Pelear |
Outfly | Outflew | Outflown | To fly faster or further | Volar |
Outgrow | Outgrew | Outgrown | To grow faster than something or someone/ To become too big or mature for something | Crecer mas que |
Outlay | Outlaid | Outlaid | To spend money for a particular purpose | Desembolsar |
Outleap | Outleapt/Outleaped | Outleapt/Outleaped | To jump or leap further or higher | Salto |
Output | Output/Outputted | Output/Outputted | To put out or produce | Produccion |
Outride | Outrode | Outridden | To ride faster than someone | Adelantar |
Outrun | Outran | Outrun | To run or go faster than someone | Correr mas que |
Outsee | Outsaw | Outseen | To see further/ To have greater foresight | Fuera |
Outsell | Outsold | Outsold | To sell more than something or someone | Vender mas |
Outshine | Outshone | Outshone | To be better than someone | Eclipsar |
Outshoot | Outshot | Outshot | To shoot faster or better | Brotar |
Outsing | Outsang | Outsung | To sing better or louder than someone | Salir |
Outsit | Outsat | Outsat | To sit for longer than someone | Quedarse mas tiempo que |
Outsleep | Outslept | Outslept | To sleep for longer than someone | Dormir mas que alguien |
Outsmell | Outsmelt/Outsmelled | Outsmelt/Outsmelled | To have a better sense of smell | Apestar |
Outspeak | Outspoke | Outspoken | To speak better or more than someone | Hablar mejor |
Outspeed | Outsped | Outsped | To go faster than someone or something | Velocidad superior |
Outspend | Outspent | Outspent | To spend more than someone | Gastar mas |
Outspin | Outspun | Outspun | To finish or die | Girar mas |
Outspring | Outsprang | Outsprung | To spring or jump out | Descender |
Outstand | Outstood | Outstood | To be clearly different or better | Sobresalir |
Outswear | Outswore | Outsworn | To exceed someone in swearing- oaths or bad language | Insultar |
Outswim | Outswam | Outswum | To swim faster or further than someone | Nadar mas rapido |
Outtell | Outtold | Outtold | To be better or exceed in telling or calculating | Contar |
Outthink | Outthought | Outthought | To think better ideas than someone | Pensar mas |
Outthrow | Outthrew | Outthrown | To throw further or more accurately | Derrocar |
Outwear | Outwore | Outworn | To last longer (of materials, clothes, etc) | Desgastar |
Outwind | Outwound | Outwound | To unloose | A favor del viento |
Outwork | Outworked/Outwrought | Outworked/Outwrough | To work harder or better | Trabajo fuera del taller |
Outwrite | Outwrote | Outwritten | To be better at writing | Sobrescribir |
Overbear | Overbore | Overborne | To use force or authority to control | Superar a |
Overbid | Overbid | Overbid | To bid more something is worth/ To bid more than you can win in a card game | Licitar más que |
Overblow | Overblew | Overblown | To blow away/ To force too much | Extender |
Overbreed | Overbred | Overbred | To breed too much so that features become excessive | Exceso de raza |
Overbuild | Overbuilt | Overbuilt | To build too much, overdevelop/ To buy too much | Edificar demasiado |
Overbuy | Overbought | Overbought | To pay too much | Sobrecompra |
Overcast | Overcast | Overcast | To sew with overcast stitiches (long slanting stitches) | Nublado |
Overcome | Overcame | Overcome | To become helpless because of excessive emotions or physical difficulties | Superar |
Overcut | Overcut | Overcut | To cut down more trees than permitted | Sobrecorte |
Overdo | Overdid | Overdone | To do something to excess/ To cook something too much | Exagerar |
Overdraw | Overdrew | Overdrawn | To take money out of an account so that a negative balance results | Girar en descubierto |
Overdrink | Overdrank | Overdrunk | To drink too much | Beber en exceso |
Overdrive | Overdrove | Overdriven | To drive or work something too hard | Sobremarcha |
Overeat | Overate | Overeaten | To eat too much | Comer con exceso |
Overfeed | Overfed | Overfed | To give too much food | Sobrealimentar |
Overfly | Overflew | Overflown | To fly over a place | Sobrevolar |
Overgrow | Overgrew | Overgrown | To grow too big or beyond a limit or boundary | Crecer demasiado |
Overhang | Overhung | Overhung | To be above something | Sobresalir |
Overhear | Overheard | Overheard | To hear something accidently that was not said to you | Oír |
Overlay | Overlaid | Overlaid | To cover something with a layer | Cubrir |
Overleap | Overleapt/Overleaped | Overleapt/Overleaped | To jump over | Superponer |
Overlearn | Overlearnt/Overlearned | Overlearnt/Overlearned | To continue learning afer having reached a basic proficiency | Sobreaprender |
Overlie | Overlay | Overlain | To kill by lying on top of | Estar sobre |
Overpass | Overpast/Overpassed | Overpast/Overpassed | To cross, pass over | Paso superior |
Overpay | Overpaid | Overpaid | To pay too much | Pagar demasiado |
Override | Overrode | Overridden | To ride through an enemy's country | Anular |
Overrun | Overran | Overrun | To flood/ To invade and take control | Invadir |
Oversee | Oversaw | Overseen | To observe people's work to make sure that it is done properly | Supervisar |
Oversell | Oversold | Oversold | To sell too much/ To publicise too much | Sobrevender |
Overset | Overset | Overset | To overpower | Dominar |
Oversew | Oversewed | Oversewn/Oversewed | To sew two edges together with stitches overlapping both | Supervisar |
Overshoot | Overshot | Overshot | To go past a limit | Excederse |
Oversleep | Overslept | Overslept | To sleep too late | Dormir demasiado |
Oversow | Oversowed | Oversown/Oversowed | To sow on land that has already be sown | Sobresembrar |
Overspeak | Overspoke | Overspoken | To speak too long or use too many words | Hablar demasiado |
Overspend | Overspent | Overspent | To spend more than allowed or budgeted/ To spill over | Gastar demasiado |
Overspill | Overspilt/Overspilled | Overspilt/Overspilled | To have a population that exceeds the space available | Desbordamiento |
Overspin | Overspun | Overspun | To make something last too long | Giro excesivo |
Overspread | Overspread | Overspread | To cover something | Cubrir |
Overspring | Oversprang | Oversprung | To jump over | Rebosante |
Overstand | Overstood | Overstood | Lose a sale of deal by sticking to a price or conditions unacceptable to the other party | Sobreponerse |
Overstrew | Overstrewed | Overstrewed/Overstrewn | To sprinkle or strew something onto another thing | Desbordado |
Overstride | Overstrode | Overstridden | To walk faster than someone/ To dominate | Anular |
Overstrike | Overstruck | Overstruck | To stamp a new value or inscription on a old coin/ To tie a string too tightly | Sobrecargar |
Overstring | Overstrung | Overstrung | To string piano bass strings across treble strings | Sobrecuerda |
Overtake | Overtook | Overtaken | To pass a vehicle that is going more slowly | Adelantar |
Overthink | Overthought | Overthought | To think or plan too much | Pensar demasiado |
Overthrow | Overthrew | Overthrown | To remove someone forcibly from government or power | Derrocamiento |
Overwear | Overwore | Overworn | To wear something too much or often, or wear it out | Ropa interior |
Overwind | Overwound | Overwound | To wind a clock or something too much so it strains the spring | Dar demasiada cuerda a |
Overwithhold | Overwithheld | Overwithheld | To deduct too much tax from a payment or salary | Retener |
Overwrite | Overwrote | Overwritten | To record data on top of existing data, erasing the original | Sobrescribir |
Partake | Partook | Partaken | To take part in something or a part of something, usually food | Participar |
Pay | Paid | Paid | To give somebody money in exchange for things or services | Pagar |
Pen | Pent/Penned | Pent/Penned | To shut up or enclose in a cage, etc | Lápiz |
Pinch-hit | Pinch-hit | Pinch-hit | To bat instead of a player in baseball, especially when a hit is needed | Golpe de pellizco |
Plead | Pled/Pleaded | Pled/Pleaded | To ask for special treatment by authorities | Alegar |
Potshot | Potshot/Potshotted | Potshot | To shoot at random/ To criticise at random | Tiro al blanco |
Practice-teach | Practice-taught | Practice-taught | To teach as part of training | Practicar-enseñar |
Prebind | Prebound | Prebound | To bind before | Previncular |
Prebuild | Prebuilt | Prebuilt | Prefabricate | Preconstruir |
Precut | Precut | Precut | To cut something before selling or assembling it | Precortado |
Predo | Predid | Predone | To do something before a certain time of stage | Pre hacer |
Premake | Premade | Premade | To make something before a time or stage | Prefabricado |
Prepay | Prepaid | Prepaid | To pay for something using it | Pagar por adelantado |
Presell | Presold | Presold | To sell before a certain time | Preventa |
Preset | Preset | Preset | To arrange something before it is needed | Preestablecido |
Preshrink | Preshrank | Preshrunk | To shrink a fabric before selling it so that it will not become smaller when washed | Preencogible |
Presplit | Presplit | Presplit | To split or divide before a certain time | Predividido |
Price-cut | Price-cut | Price-cut | To cut or reduce prices | Reducción de precios |
Proofread | Proofread | Proofread | To read something checking carefully for mistakes | Corregir |
Prove | Proved | Proven/Proved | To demonstrate that something is true | Demostrar |
Put | Put | Put | To place something in a specific position | Poner |
Quick-freeze | Quick-froze | Quick-frozen | To freeze something rapidly | Congelación rápida |
Quit | Quit | Quit | To stop doing something/ To resign from a job | Abandonar |
Rap | Rapped/Rapt | Rapped/Rapt | To be very affected by strong emotion | Rap |
Re-prove | Re-proved | Re-proven/Re-proved | To prove again | Reprender |
Read | Read | Read | To look at written words and understand them/ To deprive | Leer |
Reave | Reft/Reaved | Reft/Reaved | To take by force | Raptar |
Reawake | Reawoke | Reawoken/Reawaken | To wake up again | Volver a despertar |
Rebid | Rebid | Rebid | To bid again | Redeclarar |
Rebind | Rebound | Rebound | To cover a book again | Reencuadernar |
Rebroadcast | Rebroadcast | Rebroadcast | To transmit something on televison or the radio again | Retransmitir |
Rebuild | Rebuilt | Rebuilt | To build something again | Reconstruir |
Recast | Recast | Recast | To replace an actor or actress | Refundir a |
Recut | Recut | Recut | To cut again or differently | Recortar |
Redd | Redd/Redded | Redd/Redded | To save or rescue | Rojo |
Redeal | Redealt | Redealt | To deal playing cards again | Renegociar |
Redo | Redid | Redone | To do something again | Rehacer |
Redraw | Redrew | Redrawn | To draw again/ To change boundaries, frontiers, etc | Redibujar |
Reeve | Rove/Reeved | Rove/Reeved | To gather together/ To thread something through a hole | Juez local |
Refit | Refit | Refit | Replace or repair machinery, equipment/ To fit something again | Repararse |
Regrind | Reground | Reground | To grind again/ To smooth worn engine parts | Molido |
Regrow | Regrew | Regrown | To grow again | Volver a crecer |
Rehang | Rehung | Rehung | To hang again or in a different position | Volver a colgar |
Rehear | Reheard | Reheard | To hear something again | Volver a escuchar |
Reknit | Reknit/Reknitted | Reknit/Reknitted | To knit again/ To join back together | Retejer |
Relay | Relaid | Relaid | To operate a system where things are replaced as they become used or tired | Relé |
Relearn | Relearnt/Relearned | Relearnt/Relearned | To learn again | Volver a aprender |
Relight | Relit/Relighted | Relit/Relighted | To light or start something burning again | Volver a arder |
Remake | Remade | Remade | To make something again, such as a new version of a film | Rehacer |
Rend | Rent | Rent | To tear or rip | Desgarrar |
Repay | Repaid | Repaid | To pay somebody money owed | Pagar |
Reread | Reread | Reread | To read again | Releer |
Rerun | Reran | Rerun | To show a film again | Repetición |
Resell | Resold | Resold | To sell something again | Revender |
Resend | Resent | Resent | To send something again | Reenviar |
Reset | Reset | Reset | To put something back to the original way it was organised | Reiniciar |
Resew | Resewed | Resewn/Reswed | To sew again | Volver a coser |
Reshoot | Reshot | Reshot | To shoot a film scene again | Volver a disparar |
Resit | Resat | Resat | To take an exam or test again | Volver a sentarse |
Resow | Resowed | Resown/Resowed | To sow again | Volver a sembrar |
Respell | Respelled/Respelt | Respelled/Respelt | To spell again | Repellizcar |
Restring | Restrung | Restrung | To fit new strings on a musical instrument or a bow | Restringir |
Retake | Retook | Retaken | Take again, especially exams and tests | Volver a tomar |
Reteach | Retaught | Retaught | To teach again | Volver a enseñar |
Retear | Retore | Retorn | To tear again, usually of injuries | Volver a rasgar |
Retell | Retold | Retold | To tell something again | Volver a contar |
Rethink | Rethought | Rethought | To think again | Repensar |
Retread | Retrod | Retrodden | To tread again/ To cut new tread in a tyre | Recauchutar |
Retrofit | Retrofit/Retrofitted | Retrofit/Retrofitted | Weren't available when the machine was made | Reacondicionamiento |
Rewake | Rewoke/Rewaked | Rewoken/Rewaked | To wake again | Despertar |
Rewear | Rewore | Reworn | To wear again | Revestir |
Reweave | Rewove/Reweaved | Rewoven/Reweaved | To weave again | Retejer |
Rewed | Rewed/Rewedded | Rewed/Rewedded | To marry again | Recargado |
Rewet | Rewet/Rewetted | Rewet/Rewetted | To wet again | Rehumedecer |
Rewin | Rewon | Rewon | To win again | Reganar |
Rewind | Rewound | Rewound | To put a cassette or video back to the beginning | Rebobinar |
Rewrite | Rewrote | Rewritten | To write something again, usually with improvements | Volver a escribir |
Rid | Rid/Ridded | Rid/Ridded | To dispose of | Librar |
Ride | Rode | Ridden | To travel by horse, bike or motorbike | Conducir |
Ring | Rang | Rung | To telephone/ To make sounds with a bell | Hacer sonar |
Rise | Rose | Risen | To move upwards | Elevar |
Rive | Rived | Riven/Rived | To break apart ot split | Suceder |
Rough-hew | Rough-hewed | Rough-hewn | To make a rough version of something | Tosco |
Roughcast | Roughcast | Roughcast | To prepare a rough form of something | Mezcla gruesa |
Run | Ran | Run | To move quickly, so that both legs leave the ground | Correr |
Sand-cast | Sand-cast | Sand-cast | To make a cast by pouring metal into a mold made of sand. | Hacer castillo de arena |
Saw | Sawed | Sawn/Sawed | To cut wood, etc, with a tool | Sierra |
Say | Said | Said | To speak words | Decir |
See | Saw | Seen | To notice with your eyes | Ver |
Seek | Sought | Sought | To try to find something | Buscar |
Self-feed | Self-fed | Self-fed | To feed itself without assistance | Autoalimentación |
Self-sow | Self-sowed | Self-sown/Self-sowed | To sow itself without assistance | Auto siembra |
Sell | Sold | Sold | To receive money in exchange for goods | Vender |
Send | Sent | Sent | To cause something to be taken to a specific destination, especially letters, message, etc. | Enviar |
Set | Set | Set | To place something somewhere/ To fix something in a particular position | Establecer |
Sew | Sewed | Sewn/Sewed | To join pieces of material together using thread | Coser |
Shake | Shook | Shaken | To vibrate/ To make something vibrate | Sacudir |
Shave | Shaved | Shaven/Shaved | To remove body hair | Afeitar |
Shear | Shore/Sheared | Shorn/Sheared | To cut with scissors, especially wool from sheep | Cortar |
Shed | Shed | Shed | To fall off or let something fall off; snakes shed their skin | Cobertizo |
Shend | Shent | Shent | To shame or disgrace | Arrojar |
Shew | Shewed | Shewn/Shewed | Show | Mostrar |
Shine | Shone | Shone | To give off or reflect bright light | Brillar |
Shit | Shat/Shit | Shat/Shit | To get rid of solid body waste | Mierda |
Shoe | Shod | Shod | To provide with shoes, especially horses | Zapato |
Shoot | Shot | Shot | To fire a bullet from a gun/ To kill or hurt somebody with a gun | Disparar |
Shortcut | Shortcut | Shortcut | To use a shorter or quicker way of going somehere or doing something | Atajo |
Show | Showed | Shown | To allow somebody to see something so that they can become aware of it | Espectáculo |
Shrink | Shrank | Shrunk | To become smaller/ To make something smaller | Encogerse |
Shrive | Shrove | Shriven | To confess or listen to a confession, a religious term | Confesar |
Shut | Shut | Shut | To close something | Cerrado |
Sidewind | Sidewound | Sidewound | To move like the sidewinder snake | Viento lateral |
Sight-read | Sight-read | Sight-read | To read music | La vista leer |
Sightsee | Sightsaw | Sightseen | To visit famous monuments, etc | Hacer turismo |
Sing | Sang | Sung | To make music with your voice/ To move downwards in water | Cantar |
Sink | Sank | Sunk | To make something move downwards in water | Pileta |
Sit | Sat | Sat | your feet, with the back in a vertical position as on a chair | Sentar |
Skywrite | Skywrote | Skywritten | To write in the sky with smoke | Escrito de Cielo |
Slay | Slew | Slain | To kill | Matar |
Sleep | Slept | Slept | To be in a relaxed state with your eyes closed | Dormir |
Slide | Slid | Slid/Slidden | To move on a smooth surface, such as ice | Deslizar |
Sling | Slung | Slung | To throw something somewhere | Honda |
Slink | Slunk | Slunk | To move in a suspicious and guilty way | Escabullirse |
Slit | Slit | Slit | To make a long thin cut in something | Abertura |
Smell | Smelt/Smelled | Smelt/Smelled | To detect odours with your nose To emit odours | Oler |
Smite | Smote | Smitten | To hit | Herir |
Snapshoot | Snapshot | Snapshot | Take a quick photograph | Instantánea |
Sneak | Sneaked/Snuck | Sneaked/Snuck | To move around guiltily or to avoid being noticed | Furtivo |
Soothsay | Soothsaid | Soothsaid | To predict the future | Adivinación |
Sow | Sowed | Sown | To plant seeds in the ground to produce plants or cereals | Sembrar |
Speak | Spoke | Spoken | To say words with your mouth/ To be able to use a language | Hablar |
Speed | Sped/Speeded | Sped/Speeded | To move quickly/ To drive faster than legally permitted | Velocidad |
Spell | Spelt/Spelled | Spelt/Spelled | To use the correct combination of letters for a word | Deletrear |
Spellbind | Spellbound | Spellbound | To put into a trance or captivate | Hechizar |
Spend | Spent | Spent | To Use money to buy things/ To use time or energy doimg something | Gastar |
Spill | Spilt/Spilled | Spilt/Spilled | To allow liquids out of their containers accidentally | Derramar |
Spin | Span/Spun | Spun | To make something turn repeatedly in circles | Girar |
Spit | Spat/Spit | Spat/Spit | To eject saliva, liquid or food from the mouth | Escupir |
Split | Split | Split | To divide/ To break open | Separar |
Spoil | Spoilt/Spoiled | Spoilt/Spoiled | To let something go bad/ To go bad | Arruinar |
Spoonfeed | Spoonfed | Spoonfed | To give someone information in small and very easy bits | alimentación de cuchara |
Spread | Spread | Spread | To cover the surface of one thing with something else, like butter on bread | Untado |
Spring | Sprang | Sprung | To jump/To become active | Brotar |
Stall-feed | Stall-fed | Stall-fed | To feed or fatten an animal in a stall | Alimentación de parada |
Stand | Stood | Stood | To be in a vertical position with the weight on the feet | Pararse |
Stave | Stove/Staved/Stoved | Stove/Staved/Stoved | To break a hole in something | Duela |
Steal | Stole | Stolen | To take property or money that is not yours | Robar |
Stick | Stuck | Stuck | To attach things with glue/ To insert a sharp object into something | Palo |
Sting | Stung | Stung | To feel pain caused by an insect or plant or in a particular part of the body | Picadura |
Stink | Stank | Stunk | To smell very badly | Hedor |
Straphang | Straphung | Straphung | To hold a strap for support | Correa |
Strew | Strewed | Strewn/Strewed | To distribute things randomly over a surface | Esparcir |
Stride | Strode/Strided | Stridden | To walk confidently | Paso |
Strike | Struck | Struck/Stricken | To stop working as a protest about working conditions/ To hit | Huelga |
String | Strung | Strung | To attach something using a cord | Cuerda |
Strip | Stript/Stripped | Stript/Stripped | To undress/ To remove the covering of something | Banda |
Strive | Strove | Striven | To try very hard to do something | Luchar |
Sublet | Sublet | Sublet | To rent something you have rented | Subarrendar |
Sunburn | Sunburned/Sunburnt | Sunburned/Sunburnt | To get red skin from being in the sun for too long | Bronceado |
Swear | Swore | Sworn | To use words which are regarded as offensive/ To promise | Jurar |
Sweat | Sweat/Sweated | Sweat/Sweated | To perspire | Sudor |
Sweep | Swept/Sweeped | Swept/Sweeped | To clean floors using a brush | Barrer |
Swell | Swelled | Swollen | To increase in size usually by filling with liquids or gases | Hinchar |
Swim | Swam | Swum | To travel in water by moving your arms and legs | Nadar |
Swing | Swung | Swung | To move from side to side from a fixed point | Ritmo |
Swink | Swank/Swonk | Swonken | To work, toil or labour | Coquetear |
Switch-hit | Switch-hit | Switch-hit | To bat right-handed against a left-handed bowler, or vice versa, in baseball | Cambio de golpe |
Take | Took | Taken | To perform an action/To acquire | Tomar |
Teach | Taught | Taught | To instruct or train somebody | Enseñar |
Team-teach | Team-taught | Team-taught | To teach with more than one teacher for the class or group | Enseñar en equipo |
Tear | Tore | Torn | To make a hole or divide material, paper, etc. | Lágrima |
Telecast | Telecast/Telecasted | Telecast/Telecasted | To broadcast on TV | Teledifusión |
Tell | Told | Told | To give somebody information | Decir |
Test-drive | Test-drove | Test-driven | To drive a car to test it before buying | Prueba de conducción |
Test-fly | Test-flew | Test-flown | To test a plane | Vuelo de prueba |
Think | Thought | Thought | To have an opinion/ To use the brain | Pensar |
Thrive | Throve/Thrived | Thriven/Thrived | To do very well because the circumstances or situation is right | Prosperar |
Throw | Threw | Thrown | To cause an object to leave your hand in such a way that it travels through the air | Lanzar |
Thrust | Thrust | Thrust | To push with force | Empuje |
Thunderstrike | Thunderstruck | Thunderstruck/Thunders | To strike with lightning/ To shock | Trueno |
Tine | Tint/Tined | Tint/Tined | To shut | Púa |
Tread | Trod | Trodden | To put your foot down | Huella |
Troubleshoot | Troubleshot | Troubleshot | To solve a problem | Solucionar problemas |
Typecast | Typecast | Typecast | To give an actor the same sort of role repeatedly | Encasillar |
Typeset | Typeset | Typeset | To compose type for printing | Composición tipográfica |
Typewrite | Typewrote | Typewritten | To write with a typewriter | Escribir a máquina |
Unbear | Unbore | Unborn/Unborne | To remove a horse's rein and straps | Unbear |
Unbend | Unbent | Unbent | To retore something to its original shape that has been distorted | Enderezar |
Unbind | Unbound | Unbound | To set something free/ To untie, remove ropes, chains, etc.. | Desatar |
Unbuild | Unbuilt | Unbuilt | To demolish | Quebrantar |
Unclothe | Unclad/Unclothed | Unclad/Unclothed | To remove clothes | Desvestir |
Underbid | Underbid | Underbid/Underbidden | To offer less money in an auction or sale | Ofrecer menos de lo que vale |
Underbuy | Underbought | Underbought | To buy for less than the real value | Subcompra |
Undercut | Undercut | Undercut | To sell at a cheaper price than a competitor | Vender a menor precio que |
Underdo | Underdid | Underdone | To do less than necessary/ Not to cook enough | Menospreciar |
Underfeed | Underfed | Underfed | To give too little food to someone or an animal | Subalimentación |
Undergird | Undergirt/Undergirded Undergirt/Undergirded | To make something secure underneath/ To give moral support | Ceñir | |
Undergo | Underwent | Undergone | To suffer or go through an unpleasant experience, such as surgery | Someterse |
Underlay | Underlaid | Underlaid | To put underneath something | Subyacer |
Underlet | Underlet | Underlet | To rent for less than the real value | Underlet |
Underlie | Underlay | Underlain | To be the real reason, meaning or idea behind something, usually hidden or not clear | Estar debajo de |
Underpay | Underpaid | Underpaid | To pay someone too little or pay less than the price | Pagar de menos |
Underrun | Underran | Underrun | To pass or flow underneath something | Agotamiento |
Undersell | Undersold | Undersold | To sell at a lower price than a competitor | Vender menos |
Undershoot | Undershot | Undershot | To shoot too short/ Not to reach a traget | Subestimar |
Underspend | Underspent | Underspent | To sepnd less money than allocated in the department or company's budget | Gastar menos |
Understand | Understood | Understood | To know or come to know the meaning of something | Entender |
Undertake | Undertook | Undertaken | To accept responsibility for doing something | Emprender |
Underthrust | Underthrust | Underthrust | To insert faulted rock under a passive rock mass | Empuje insuficiente |
Underwrite | Underwrote | Underwritten | To accept part or all of a financial risk, especially insurance | Suscribir |
Undo | Undid | Undone | To 'open' clothes or shoes before taking them off | Deshacer |
Undraw | Undrew | Undrawn | To open a curtain/ To withdraw | desdibujar |
Undraw | Undrew | Undrawn | To open, draw back (curtains, etc)/ | desdibujar |
Unfreeze | Unfroze | Unfrozen | To make assets availably for use/ To thaw something | Descongelar |
Unhang | Unhung | Unhung | To remove something that is hanging | Descolgar |
Unhide | Unhid | Unhidden | To expose something that was hidden | Mostrar |
Unhold | Unheld | Unheld | To stop holding or not to hold | Retirar |
Unknit | Unknit/Unknitted | Unknit/Unknitted | To untie | Destejer |
Unlade | Unladed | Unladen/Unladed | To remove cargo, unload | Descargar |
Unlay | Unlaid | Unlaid | To untwist a rope | Desatar |
Unlearn | Unlearnt/Unlearned | Unlearnt/Unlearned | To try to forget or change a habit or something that had been learned | Desaprender |
Unmake | Unmade | Unmade | To remove a decision | Deshacer |
Unreeve | Unrove/Unreeved | Unrove/Unreeved | To remove a rope from a hook | Unreeve |
Unsay | Unsaid | Unsaid | Not to say something/ To take back something that you said | Retractarse |
Unsell | Unsold | Unsold | To convince someone that something is worthless or false | Anular la venta |
Unsew | Unsewed | Unsewn/Unsewed | To undo someone sewed, remove the stitches | Descoser |
Unsling | Unslung | Unslung | To remove something held in a sling | Desengancharse |
Unspeak | Unspoke | Unspoken | To take back what has been said or not to say something | No hablar |
Unspin | Unspun | Unspun | To untwist or unravel/ To seperate things that have been stuck | Dejar de girar |
Unstick | Unstuck | Unstuck | To seperate things that have been stuck together/ To take off | Despegar |
Unstring | Unstrung | Unstrung | To open something secured with string | Desenredar |
Unswear | Unswore | Unsworn | To take back an oath | Dejar de jurar |
Unteach | Untaught | Untaught | To make someone forget something they have learned | Dejar de enseñar |
Unthink | Unthought | Unthought | To remove something from your mind | No pensar |
Untread | Untrod | Untrodden | To tread back, retrace your steps | Sin pisar |
Unweave | Unwove | Unwoven | To undo things that have been woven together | Destejer |
Unwind | Unwound | Unwound | To relax | Relajarse |
Unwrite | Unwrote | Unwritten | To delete writing or not to write | Desescribir |
Upbuild | Upbuilt | Upbuilt | To build up, develop on a large scale | Edificar |
Uphold | Upheld | Upheld | To support or confirm a decision | Defender |
Uppercut | Uppercut | Uppercut | To punch upwards towards someone's chin | Uppercut |
Uprise | Uprose | Uprisen | To get up, stand up, move up/ To return from the dead | Levantarse |
Upset | Upset | Upset | To make somebody unhappy or disturbed | Decepcionado |
Upspring | Upsprang | Upsprung | To jump or spring up | Ascendencia |
Upsweep | Upswept | Upswept | To sweep or brush upwards | Barrido ascendente |
Uptear | Uptore | Uptorn | To tear into pieces | Aborotar |
Vex | Vext/Vexed | Vext/Vexed | To trouble or annoy | Vejar |
Wake | Woke | Woken | To stop sleeping and become conscious/ To make somebody stop sleeping | Despertarse |
Waylay | Waylaid | Waylaid | To wait for or to stop somebody to rob them | Acechar |
Wear | Wore | Worn | To have clothes on your body | Tener puesto |
Weave | Wove | Woven | To make material | Tejido |
Wed | Wed/Wedded | Wed/Wedded | To marry | Casarse |
Weep | Wept | Wept | To cry heavily | Llorar |
Wend | Wended/Went | Wended/Went | To go, make your way | Encaminarse a |
Wet | Wet/Wetted | Wet/Wetted | To make something wet by applying a liquid to it | Mojado |
Whipsaw | Whipsawed | Whipsawn/Whipsawed | To cut with whipsaw (a saw for two people)/ To victimise | Serrucho |
Win | Won | Won | To be the best in a competition, game, election, etc. | Victoria |
Wind | Wound | Wound | To turn something round to make a mechanical process operate | Viento |
Winterfeed | Winterfed | Winterfed | To feed cattle in the winter when they can't graze | Alimentación invernal |
Wiredraw | Wiredrew | Wiredrawn | To make something last a long time, especially speech | Trefilado |
Wit | Wist | Wist | To know | Ingenio |
Withdraw | Withdrew | Withdrawn | To remove money from a bank/ To remove something from a place | Retirar |
Withhold | Withheld | Withheld | Not to let somebody have something | Retener |
Withstand | Withstood | Withstood | To resist successfully | Resistir a |
Wont | Wont | Wont/Wonted | To be accustomed | No |
Work | Worked/Wrought | Worked/Wrought | To make physical or mental effort to produce or achieve something | Trabajar |
Wrap | Wrapped/Wrapt | Wrapped/Wrapt | To cover | Envolver |
Wreak | Wreaked | Wreaked/Wroken | To cause or make something happen/ To transport emotionally | Infligir |
Wring | Wrung | Wrung | To put a lot of pressure on something to remove liquids | Exprimir |
Write | Wrote | Written | To put words onto paper using a pen or pencil | Escribe |
Zinc | Zinced/Zincked | Zinced/Zincked | To coat or cover something with a layer of zinc | Cubrir con zinc |